Friday, 6 September 2013

Life Lessons @ Project #1: Boys vs. Girls

Ok at this rate my uni work is never going to get done. Which is terrible because as much fun as this blog is I will need to get a proper job one day.

More comic representations of the hilarious moments in life. The actual events may not have been exactly like this (although it's pretty close) but I took some creative licence. Besides the story is always funnier when seen through the lens of my overactive imagnination. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If there is any resemblance to actual people...then you probably need to get your eyes checked because I'm pretty sure my drawing skills are basic. Everyone I draw has the same face with a slightly different hairdo lol. The only person you're probably ever going to recongise is the comic-verson of me. 
Step one 1: Rough pencil sketch so I know how the story will progress. Stuck to simple panels this time as the number of panels itself was complicated enoguh. This is a longer one so there was more room for error when I started to draw in pen. Later I did stuff up but some scissors and sticktape fixed that up ok. =]
 Step 2: Draw away!
Scribble space: This is were I test a face I'm unsure of before I attempt it in the panel. Although usually a fair bit of luck is involved. Can't seem to figure out how to do things twice.


Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My comic book life #3: (wo)man vs. fly ft. lego hair

Guys, I'm back with original stuff! 

This happened a while back and I had the idea of turning it into a comic. This comic is propably the least spontaneous to date as I had a think about what happened and how the scenario might play out through the panels. As well as all those comic strip type comics (Peanuts, Garfield, The Adventures of Tintin, Calvin and Hobbes, etc) I'm a big fan of X-men where the story is presented multi-panel format. So I tried to go for an inbetween, still using frames but with different sizes etc. I hope I've done it right so that your eyes find it easy to follow!

Step 1: Think of what's gonna happen and draw up panels.
Step 2: Consider using pencil since all that effort drawing up panel would be wasted if I stuff up 3 panels in.

Step 3: Stuff step 3, use pen and we'll see what happens.

There you go guys I hope that was worth your internet procrastinating time. Using pen worked out ok but I did have scribble space. hehe I've ruined the Melbourne Festival mag.. Although my clapping person looks a bit like it was printed and supposed to be there :P 

On that note. Check out the Melbourne Festival formerly the Melbourne International Arts Festival presenting interesting arts stuff such as dance, theatre, music, visual arts, multimedia etc. There'll be events that a FREE too so that's a bonus!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Picture (book) perfect proposals

Ok its really late and I should catching some much needed shut-eye if I'm going to make to to my 9.30 class tomorrow but there's this thing call the internet and you know how one link leads to another and then another and then awww this IS SO CUTE, me smiling stupidly while eyes twitch from staring at a computer screen too long.

In internet times this story is probably old news but in fitting with the theme of this blog I'm gonna share because it involves picture books. And if you haven't read the description on the right of this blog I'll remind you: I love picture books. You know how people pat their dogs? I pat picture books. Yes it's weird but I just like touching them, having the physical book in my hand, turning the pages, getting half way through the story and then admiring the front cover again. ...pets are cool too. Dogs over cats though. Don't hate me cat lovers. In  my defence my sister who's a cat person has introduced me to the cuteboyswithcats tumblr which we check every now and then for boredoms sake and you know for the cats. Apologies sister if I've let the cat out of the bag (lol) but your my number one reader/probably my only reader so we're probably safe.

But back to the point,  I was on the Huffington Post and some clicks down the track I ended up on Buzz Feed as you do. I came across a story of a guy who proposed to his girlfriend using a picture book planted in the local library. Paul Phillips recently teamed up with Nashville artist Yoni Limor to propose to his girlfriend, Erika.
Source: Buzzfeed
Illustrations by Yoni Limor.  Check out the above link and have a read of the actual picture book if you like.

Which in my books (lol get it?) is super cool! Thoughtfulness, surprises, great illustrations, shelves and shelves of books and captured on camera so I get to share in the adorableness.

Guy 1 had written the story himself and contacted illustrator Yoni Limor who to help him illustrate the book.  Guy 1 had probably gotten the idea from from Original Guy a close friend of the illustrator who asked his friend to help him out with his picture book proposal. Cue more professional photographer happy snaps and cute illustrated animals.

When she was done reading, Jason dropped to one knee and proposed in real life, as photographer Aparna Paul Jain captured the whole thing hidden in the library's shelves.
 Source: Buzzfeed


If you want to know/can't be bothered BuzzFeeding it, Original Guy was a turtle to his girlfriend the bunny.

The illustrator Yoni is also on Facebook, so for Facebook savvy people that would rather find out more about his work that way than through the link to his website above here you go

That is all. Goodnight guys.

On a side note I learnt a bit about copyright the other day for work and know I'm paranoid if I'm referencing stuff correctly or not. So apologies original owners of copyright if I get it wrong. Let me know if I have. You know, don't sue me I'm poor uni student. Cheers. :)

Oh and I know its been ages, but I promise I've got original work coming soon. Watch this space.

Monday, 22 July 2013

There's something under the spire...

and it's a wonderfully put together exhibition celebrating the long and varied career of Australian stage and screen actor Geoffrey Rush. And its FREE!! The Extraordinary Shapes of Geoffrey Rush is at the Arts Centre until October 27.

This is what I get up to during my holidays. Getting to see all the wonderful exhibitions happening in Melbourne.  I don't think I'll ever get over missing A Day in Pompeii due to studying hard for the final high school exams. My love living this city and getting access to all things arts.

If your thinking 'Geoffrey who'? Then its Barbosa from Pirates or the speech therapist from The Kings Speech. Also if your thinking this you should get yourself to the city and find out just how much stuff this actor has been in.

It's an exhibition featuring heaps of things to take a look at including many costumes, photos, annotaed scripts, awards (yes that's an Acamedy, Tony and Emmy all lined up on the piano) and lovely chalkboard quotes with many exhibits were lent by the man himself. You first get to look at his early years and inspiration before the space is roughly divided into sections by the types of characters that he has played. And there have been many from a pirate to priest to supervillian to yes a woman.

 My favourite things were probably the costumes, those that I had previously seen on screen or stage (yes I saw him on stage!) physically in front of me and the annotated scripts. Not that I would ever now how an actor goes about their craft to bring a character or scene to life but its cool to see those scripts behind the performances.

No pictures allowed so even better hears the man himself giving a tour:

Saturday, 4 May 2013

My comic book life #2: Blast from the past

Okay so I'm 22 today. But here's a visual representation of what actually really happened on another birthday of mine from long ago:

LOL. Welcome to the family where nobody ever remembers the exact ages of everybody else.

I still love you sis =P

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sometimes I imagine my life as a comic book...

... complete with punchines made up of awkward moments and epic fails.

Just an idea for a birthday card i drew up recently.Yes I know those people don't have faces; I didn't want to risk stuffing them up. So they shall remember faceless party people.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

"All children, except one, grow up."

Today I was a kid again and went along to the Children's Book Festival a FREE event at the State Library in partnership with the Wheeler Centre. At first I was a bit hesitant to go because I figured the event would be mostly attended by children (obviously) and parents, of which I am neither. However, my love for picture books won out and so I hopped on the train into Melbourne.

Fitting for the day I started reading Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie on the ride in. Only got a chapter in but it good so far! I'll tell you more about when I get around to finishing it. I got the title for this post from its opening sentence.

It was a day catered for kids with performances, a petting zoo, face painting, meet the authors/illustrators, book signings and places for kids to created their own comics/books/crafts.
Is that a guy in a orange suit?! YES it IS!! Yay for bright colours!
Make your own book...
or a Great Wall of Comics

AND WE ALL KNOW FROGS GO LA-DEE-DA-DEE-DA!!! Is stuck in my head now thanks to a performance by Rhys Muldoon. That guy from playschool! At least I think he's still on playschool judging by the reception he got from the kids who rushed onto the stage.
He was on playschool back when I watched it which was a loonnnng time ago now. And on The Genie From Down Under (any 90's kid remember that show?). He also plays dad characters on Lockie Leonard (one of the best kids shows, based on the books by Aussie Tim Winton) and House Husbands. And now you know that I watch more Australian television than the average Australian and this guy is officially my second favourite Australian entertainer/performer/actor person after Hugh Jackman. Hehe Hugh Jackman should do a playschool episode that would be fun.

Back inside the library and there is a small display of some wonderfully illustrated Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. This one was my favourite. It's a page from a pop-up version. So its 3D and was in a glass box so the photo doesn't do it justice. Pop into the State Library to check it out; its free and there until May 20.

Ducked into the Readings bookstore in the library and wanted to get this T-shirt so badly! It's a T-shirt of one of my favourite picture books that I discovered one day randomly. More on the book in a future post perhaps. Also I would've been perfect for a kids themed party coming up. But alas, I couldn't get itbecause it only came in kids sizes. And even though I'm tiny I looked at this and judged it wouldn't have fit. Sigh :( I bought a book instead (hence the bag in the first photo) which I'll write about some other time.

Final thing for the day, a meet the author session with Rhys Muldoon.  The kids really like the guy and he interviewed a whole bunch of them which was very sweet. The lucky chosen kids loved it and the adults in the audience had a fun time too. Who knew that today's kids favourite foods are couscous, pancakes with spag bol sauce and CAPSICUM?! At least dinosaurs, kid spies, and Going on a Bear Hunt are still favourite stories. Things haven't changed too much :p

Being interviewed by Rhys from Playschool!
Story time! Jasper and Abby & the Great Australia Day Kerfuffle  by Rhys Muldoon, ft. KRudd's cat.
Hehe can you spot the kid in the very Aussie hat??
Well that's it for today! I had a lovely arvo by myself if slightly out of place. I'd recommend anyone with kids to go next year (which said kids of course). The kids wandering around today seemed to have a blast.

To end:

“A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.”- C.S. Lewis

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Marching towards winter

It's cold! I'd been waiting for a cold day to post this scribble. Didn't think it would be so soon what with the odd heatwave-in-march we've just had in Melbourne.

The photo's taken on an angle becuase the drawing looks better that way hehe. I think this one started with the beanie which got a head which got a body all during a break in my lecture.

I'm excited about colder weather though. Hoodies time!!!! Best item of clothing ever... equal with trackies.
Keep rugged up and don't get sick!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Said the lamp to the cat

This one is a scribble I did one day in a philosophy lecture. It's one of many that I sketched on the page - I'll post the others up slowly - so that makes me think that I did them during a break in the lecture. It's been that long that I've also forgotten if the cat came first or the lampost.

I like this scribble because to me it looks like the lamp, an inanimate object is having a conversation with the cat. Such a scene is not possible in real life but it makes me happy thinking of the wonderful things that can happen in the imaginary/fictional world.

After I finished this scribble another drawing - one done by someone who can draw better than I - came to mind. It's the cover of The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Can you see why I formed such a connection? It's a beautiful picture book with the story told entirely through illustrations. Here's what it looks like. I'd encourage you go wander in a bookstore (yes they still exist!) and have look. Shaun Tan is an amazing illustrator and storyteller. And his Australian! He has written a bunch of books and perhaps I'll post about his work in the future.
The Lost Thing

Sunday, 27 January 2013

21 Fun

Drew a card for a friends wishing her a Happy 21st Birthday!!
It's a card so not a spontaneous sketch. I had the idea in my head to start with.
Thought process: birthday> balloons> age 21> 21 ballloons!! > girl holding big bunch of baloons!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Piano man

I drew a line that turned into the lid of a grand piano. Since I drew a piano I figured it needed a piano man to go with it.

Take a listen to Piano Man by Billy Joel. Great song.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


It's been so long since I scribbled this that I don't know how it came about other than that it was during a lecture in 2012 September Thirteenth...obviously. It's one of my favourites.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Magic Garden

So the story behind this scribble.

Well it started as scribbles back and forth again and again. I realised it looked a bit like some sort of plant - and then I thought of gardens - and then magic gardens with fairies. So I drew in the fairy on the right and the toadstool because they look cool and appear in magical garden don't they? Lastly I added in fairy number 2 because a flying fairy would be nice and now fairy one has company.

I love this scribble because I think it looks like I didn't draw it. What I mean is that it looks like it belongs with the block of text, almost like an illustration in a novel. But really, this is a column from Sunday Life, one of those supplements that come in The Sunday Age.

On that note I love reading the newspaper. Especially on a leisurley weekend day. And in hardcopy. Flipping though the physcial pages just doesn't compare to scrolling and clicking online or swiping and tapping on an Ipad. It's the atmosphere of the whole thing. Haha now you probably thing I'm a bit weird. Which I am I suppose. Although I don't believe in fairies. Sorry Tinkerbell! But I do love the idea of them in fiction.