In internet times this story is probably old news but in fitting with the theme of this blog I'm gonna share because it involves picture books. And if you haven't read the description on the right of this blog I'll remind you: I love picture books. You know how people pat their dogs? I pat picture books. Yes it's weird but I just like touching them, having the physical book in my hand, turning the pages, getting half way through the story and then admiring the front cover again. ...pets are cool too. Dogs over cats though. Don't hate me cat lovers. In my defence my sister who's a cat person has introduced me to the cuteboyswithcats tumblr which we check every now and then for boredoms sake and you know for the cats. Apologies sister if I've let the cat out of the bag (lol) but your my number one reader/probably my only reader so we're probably safe.
But back to the point, I was on the Huffington Post and some clicks down the track I ended up on Buzz Feed as you do. I came across a story of a guy who proposed to his girlfriend using a picture book planted in the local library.
Source: Buzzfeed
Illustrations by Yoni Limor. Check out the above link and have a read of the actual picture book if you like.
Which in my books (lol get it?) is super cool! Thoughtfulness, surprises, great illustrations, shelves and shelves of books and captured on camera so I get to share in the adorableness.
Guy 1 had written the story himself and contacted illustrator Yoni Limor who to help him illustrate the book. Guy 1 had probably gotten the idea from from Original Guy a close friend of the illustrator who asked his friend to help him out with his picture book proposal. Cue more professional photographer happy snaps and cute illustrated animals.
Source: Buzzfeed
If you want to know/can't be bothered BuzzFeeding it, Original Guy was a turtle to his girlfriend the bunny.
The illustrator Yoni is also on Facebook

That is all. Goodnight guys.
On a side note I learnt a bit about copyright the other day for work and know I'm paranoid if I'm referencing stuff correctly or not. So apologies original owners of copyright if I get it wrong. Let me know if I have. You know, don't sue me I'm poor uni student. Cheers. :)
Oh and I know its been ages, but I promise I've got original work coming soon. Watch this space.