Friday, 6 September 2013

Life Lessons @ Project #1: Boys vs. Girls

Ok at this rate my uni work is never going to get done. Which is terrible because as much fun as this blog is I will need to get a proper job one day.

More comic representations of the hilarious moments in life. The actual events may not have been exactly like this (although it's pretty close) but I took some creative licence. Besides the story is always funnier when seen through the lens of my overactive imagnination. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If there is any resemblance to actual people...then you probably need to get your eyes checked because I'm pretty sure my drawing skills are basic. Everyone I draw has the same face with a slightly different hairdo lol. The only person you're probably ever going to recongise is the comic-verson of me. 
Step one 1: Rough pencil sketch so I know how the story will progress. Stuck to simple panels this time as the number of panels itself was complicated enoguh. This is a longer one so there was more room for error when I started to draw in pen. Later I did stuff up but some scissors and sticktape fixed that up ok. =]
 Step 2: Draw away!
Scribble space: This is were I test a face I'm unsure of before I attempt it in the panel. Although usually a fair bit of luck is involved. Can't seem to figure out how to do things twice.


Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My comic book life #3: (wo)man vs. fly ft. lego hair

Guys, I'm back with original stuff! 

This happened a while back and I had the idea of turning it into a comic. This comic is propably the least spontaneous to date as I had a think about what happened and how the scenario might play out through the panels. As well as all those comic strip type comics (Peanuts, Garfield, The Adventures of Tintin, Calvin and Hobbes, etc) I'm a big fan of X-men where the story is presented multi-panel format. So I tried to go for an inbetween, still using frames but with different sizes etc. I hope I've done it right so that your eyes find it easy to follow!

Step 1: Think of what's gonna happen and draw up panels.
Step 2: Consider using pencil since all that effort drawing up panel would be wasted if I stuff up 3 panels in.

Step 3: Stuff step 3, use pen and we'll see what happens.

There you go guys I hope that was worth your internet procrastinating time. Using pen worked out ok but I did have scribble space. hehe I've ruined the Melbourne Festival mag.. Although my clapping person looks a bit like it was printed and supposed to be there :P 

On that note. Check out the Melbourne Festival formerly the Melbourne International Arts Festival presenting interesting arts stuff such as dance, theatre, music, visual arts, multimedia etc. There'll be events that a FREE too so that's a bonus!